S-Keeper 7™ Marine Scrubbers Type Approved CEMS: your liferaft is here

Type Approved Marine CEMSS-Keeper 7™ is a Marine Scrubbers Type Approved CEMS Continuous Emissions Monitoring System fully engineered, integrated and validated in accordance with the applicable Directives. S-Keeper 7™ is 101% made in Italy by Tecnova HT.

S-Keeper 7™ has been found to comply with the applicable requirements for SO2 and CO2 analyzer specified in Chapter 6 of Resolution MEPC.259(68) “2015 Guidelines for exhaust gas cleaning systems”  therefore it is “Scrubber Ready”. Now.

S-Keeper 7™ is also in compliance with:

  • MARPOL Annex VI Reg. 13 & 14
  • MEPC Circ. 471, 177(58), 259(68)
  • IEC 60092-504
  • REG (EU) 2015/757

And it is already Type Approved by the following independent recognized Bodies:

  • RINA Registro Italiano Navale
  • LLOYD Register
  • DNV – GL
  • ClassNK

S-Keeper 7™ is fully tailored to the Shipowner’s requirements, with particular focus on CaPex & OpEx balance. This Type Approved Marine CEMS is available as a “stand-alone” analysis system, but it is also possible to integrate into a modern PEM Propulsion Efficiency Monitor, thus encompassing metered Fuel Consumption, Fuel Oil Viscosity, Thrust and Torque measuring Systems, also from multiple Vendors.

Type Approved Marine CEMS

Thanks to the specific engineering of this modular system, the S-Keeper 7™ installation is able to withstand the toughest marine environment: on-board maintenance is easy even for an unskilled operator, while the SPMP Spare Parts Management Program ensures the traceability of every single component and its availability on the ship’s course.

Do you need a Type Approved Marine CEMS? S-Keeper 7™ is your liferaft. Now.

Please see the dedicated website http://www.cemsonboard.com to get more info or to download the Type Approvals!

Type Approved Marine CEMS